Monday, June 9, 2008


Sample To-Do List
1st Week
* Make beds
* Make Beds-Change Sheets
* Quiet Time
* Quiet Time
* Check calender

* Check calender
* Take meat out of freezer

* Take meat out freezer
* $$ Work $$

* $$ Work $$
* Homework

* Homework--Vaccuum Upstairs
* Make Dinner--Wash white clothes

* Make Dinner--Wash light clothes
* Wash Dishes--Dry white clothes

* Wash Dishes--Dry light clothes
* Wipe Down kitchen

* Wipe Down kitchen
* Quick toy pick-up

* Quick toy pick-up
* Update checkbook

* Update checkbook
* Take recycling to the curb

* Bring in recycling
* Take garbage to the curb

* Bring in garbage
* Fold & put away white clothes

* Fold & put away light clothes

* Make beds

* Make beds
* Quiet Time

* Quiet Time
* Check calender

* Check calender
* Take meat out of freezer

* Take meat out of freezer
* $$ Work $$

* $$ Work $$
* Homework--

* Homework--
* Make Dinner--Wash dark clothes

* Make Dinner
* Wash Dishes--Dry dark clothes

* Wash Dishes
* Wipe Down kitchen

* Wipe Down kitchen
* Quick toy pick-up

* Quick toy pick-up
* Update checkbook

* Sweep & quick mop floors
* Fold and put away dark clothes

* Garbage to the curb

* Update checkbook

* Make beds

* Make beds
* Quiet Time

* Quiet Time
* Check calender

* Take meat out of freezer
* Wipe downstairs bathroom

* Print Online Coupons
* Take meat out of freezer

* Organize desk & pay bills
* $$ Work $$

* Grocery Shop
* Homework--

* Homework
* Make Dinner

* Make dinner
* Wash Dishes

* Wipe down kitchen
* Wipe Down kitchen

* Update Checkbook
* Sweep & quick mop floors
* Wipe upstairs bathroom


Maurice Burford said...

what is this??

Maurice Burford said...

i just nonconceptualized you!

Jesse said...

i just nonconceptualized you!